Graphic Designs

Posters/ Magazine/ Illustrations

Since childhood, I had a keen sense of art and creativity. And now, I'm pouring all my creativity to the posters and illustrations which you can see right here in this webpage. I am the Graphics and Design Head of two clubs, (IEEE SB NIT Patna and Robotics Club, NIT Patna) for the year 2021-22. I design using Adobe Photoshop.

Here's a link to the magazine designed by me


My all time favourites

These posters were designed on various occasions, functions and sessions. There are a lot of posters in my hard disk, but there are my best collections, presented before you all. All are designed and perfected using the software Adobe Photoshop. For tips and advices, contact me directly.


Get ready to connect to technology, episodes from great experiences and specially curated Covid-19 resources as you leaf through the pages of the second edition of "Plugged- Connecting Tech", the annual magazine of the IEEE Student Branch NIT Patna.

This magazine was a month long task, that required the hardwork, patience and sheer determination. Content team and bunch of seniors guiding alongside the work, made it posssible to complete and host it on IEEE SB NITP site within the deadline. I hope you will enjoy it , so give it a go.

Here's one of my illustration tasks