Web-Dev , Iot , OpenCV and Python

I've done an array of technical projects in various domains. From the simple portfolio website to the comlete Covid-19 based vaccination demo website. From simple sensors Iot project to the multisensored automatic solar tracker and a few Open cv projects. Have a glimpse of it,

web-dev projects

Covid-19 -Vac-Med-Management

A covid-19 complete webpage including booking for vaccination, FAQs, self assessment, and medicine management section.


COVID19 Vac-Med-App

Book your vaccines from the site,take self assessment, see stats of local areas. The application is for self diagnosing of Covid19 ,view the info related to this and if you suspect any symptoms, the our website will help you book your vaccination .No need to wander anywhere in the crowd ,just register on the site with correct address , select your nearest hospital, make appointment ,make the payment and the vaccine will be saved for you . You can also check the faq section for details about covid. In Admin's section (management) there is a medical store management system, in which the registered user can add , update or remove the medicines (categorized as tablets, syrup and injection). You can store the patient's record of medicines and the bill. Apart from these there is a new order section in which the medicines stored can be accessed and billed and that is automatically stored in the patients section.

web-dev projects

Portfolio | Sonu

My personal portfolio website containing all my personal and professional details. Its contains my technical projects, skills and my graphic designs too.


Portfolio Website

This website is the one, which you are currently viewing. This contains my personal and professional details. there are basically three sections that comprise of projects section, graphic designs section and a complete stats part. I have included many components here, cards, carousel, charts ,popover buttons etc. This site is fully responsive , the elements adjusts themselves according to the device width.

web-dev projects


A simple java script project working on random library. A user can refresh the page to view ,who wins the game.



A simple javascript project working on random library, which decides the dice with random number between one to six . A user can refresh the page to view ,who wins the game, it prints out the winning player name. I made this while I was learning Javascript so its too basic .

web-dev projects

Invicta-Image Processing

This project differentiates between the old and new leaf by using the property of masking and makes a count of it.


Old and New leaf detection

This project was a part of INVICTA- online hackathon of Robotics Club, IIT Guwahati. The task was to make a python that can detect old leaf and new leaf among two sample images (maple leaves and neem leaves). The condition was given by them, a colour range upto which the leaf can be marked as old. The whole project is a single python file.

web-dev projects

Automatic Solar Tracker

This is an IOT project which sense the sunlight direction and responds by turning the solar panels to the direction of the sunlight by servo motors.


Iot based automatic solar tracker

In the process of taking maximum output through solar energy we are here with our project " Automatic solar energy" to take maximum benefit out of solar energy. The solution is: movable panel, always facing the sun in the sky.This allows optimal energy collection, making solar panels more efficient. Both require a processing system, as well as actuators to move the panels. One way to actively control solar panels is to transmit the Sun's position to the panels. The panels then orient themselves to this position in the sky. By using Light Dependent Resistors (LDRs), it's possible to detect varying light levels. These sensors are then used to determine Sun's direction, allowing the panel to orient itself appropriately.