Hi, I'm Sonu

An ECE undergrad from NIT Patna

I'm a Web Designer and ML/AI enthusiast. Passionate about simplifying things through technology. Learning Data Structures and Algorithms and love to solve problems that involve creativity and innovation. Along with it, I've decent Communication and PR skills and I've worked in collaborative atmospheres.

I have a working proficiency in Adobe Photoshop too.

prograaming icon

My skills include C, C++ and Python programming languages. I practice DSA in C++. I've done many computer vision projects, deep learning projects and minor games in Python.

I know the frontend tools: HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jquery and react. I code my backend in Node.js ,Express Js with database in MongoDB and deployment on Github and heroku.

I am decent in Competitive programming, OOPs concepts and problem solving skills. I've learnt data structures and algorithms. I practice on codechef, leetcode and codeforces.

I'm looking for SDE, associate, analyst roles.

I'm also ready to intern as a full stack developer. I'm a fast learner and awaiting a job with a decent salary and more importantly, a chance to build up my career and skills. I have participated in many hackathons with my team and have excelled and completed the tasks, respecting the deadine. Apart from technical, I have


Emotional Intelligence

Management skills

Collaborative stigma

Clubs I'm associated with

Some of my achievements

5th Position at AMI-HACKS, Amity University, UP

Inside top-20 position in Hack-NITP , NIT Patna

8th Position in SMDC 2.0, NIT Patna

2 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze medal at TCF, NITP